
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Laws && Legends

Here is where you find most of the information for this game. The rules, history, plot, rank info, and maps are located here. I would like you to at least read all the rules before creating a character.

4 6 Laws of the Land.
by wowposter
Nov 3, 2008 18:20:30 GMT -5
No New Posts Creation

Here is where you can make your character. There is a form provided, I suggest you use it. You may spiffy it up, and give it your own touch if you wish.

Moderator: Puck

3 5 New Character: Zhen
by wowposter
Nov 3, 2008 18:20:32 GMT -5
No New Posts Accepted

Here is where all the accepted character bios go. We also keep the files of the deceased, adoptable, and pups here.

Moderator: Puck

Sub-boards: Deceased, Adoptable, Pups

5 11 Andreii;;
by wowposter
Nov 3, 2008 18:21:02 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Annoucements!

All annoucements will be posted here, I suggest you read them for I will only post things here if they are important.

Moderator: Puck

2 6 The Citadel.
by wowposter
Nov 3, 2008 18:21:00 GMT -5
No New Posts Chat

Here is where you can chat, and talk about anything you wish. You may start games, talk about politics, rant, whatever floats your boat.

Sub-board: Absences

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No New Posts Affiliate/Questions

Here is where you post if you have any questions or you wish to affiliate with us. Guest friendly.

Moderator: Puck

7 8 Everfrost -advertise only-
by EF Admin
Sept 23, 2007 16:24:39 GMT -5
No New Posts Biographies

Here is where you may make threads to write a little about yourself and your characters personal stuff. It is recommended for those who are going to have multiple characters.

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No New Posts Studio

Here is where all the ones who can draw may show off their art. You can offer to make signatures, avatars, etc. Or you may request something. Whichever.

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Giiva

Giiva is the most northern set pack. They have the tundra, the boreal forest, waterfall pools, and of course the mountains. Not the easiest place to live in, the more hardy wolves survive easier. Though it is a beautiful place, filled with arctic animals to feast on. Food is rarely scarce, but the winter is cold and biting.

Sub-boards: Tundra, Boreal Forest, Waterfall Pools, Mountain Pass

1 1 Pack Info
by Puck
Aug 14, 2007 11:09:21 GMT -5
No New Posts Mayna

The Mayna wolves are the western rebel pack. Descended from Giiva wolves, these wolves are well suited for harsh climates. Generally less aggressive than the other rebel pack, these wolves can keep to themselves easier. Don't let that fool you, these wolves are still rebels and ready to fight to the death any day.

Sub-boards: Mayna Copse, The Calms, Snowy Plains, Canyon Dens

1 1 Pack Info
by Puck
Aug 14, 2007 11:09:49 GMT -5
No New Posts Cinbar

The south is home to the Cinbar wolves, their land is smaller compared to Giiva. But they do not have any mountains. They are not usually used to cold weather, as their winters are mild and rainy. Cinbar wolves are slowly regaining the respect that they deserve. The wolves living here need good agility for hunting animals on the plains.

Sub-boards: Cinbar Woods, Stone Dens, Plains, Rapids

1 1 Pack Info
by Puck
Aug 14, 2007 11:10:12 GMT -5
No New Posts Tyvier

Tyvier is the eastern rebel pack. They have the ocean to their far east, and a thick forest to their far left. Tyvier is the rebel pack that needs to be particularly rebellious, they do not back down from any fights. They prefer the more aggressive type to join their clan, but they will accept anyone.

Sub-boards: Tyvier Jungle, Grasslands, The Beach, Ravine

1 1 Pack Info
by Puck
Aug 14, 2007 11:10:30 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Dark Forest

The woods between Mayna and Cinbar terra are frighteningly thick. They aren't called the Dark Forest for just anything. The woods have an eerie feel to them, as the sun is almost entirely blocked from the forest floor because the tops of the trees mesh together so perfectly. The air is a tad cooler in here than most places, even in summer.

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No New Posts Field of Heather

There is a small section of rolling hills that the flower, heather, cover completely. It is like light purple sea, and when the wind blows it almost looks like waves. It is one of the more beautiful areas of Zasta, delicate and pretty. You may find many females daydreaming or couples swooning over one another. It seems the flowers scent can put anyone in a pleasant mood.

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No New Posts Birch Grove

There is a small copse filled with many birch trees to the south of Zasta. The area is mostly quiet, and filled with life. The grass is very green and the trees grow healthy in this pure and safe place. During the season of winter, it simple becomes a white wonderland as the frost settles on the bare branches making it look like natures work of art.

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No New Posts Clearing of Aurora

During the day this small little clearing appears quite boring and like every other empty clearing. But when the sun goes down, the natural light show begans. This is the only place to properly see the Aurora Borealis in Zasta. It is a worshipped sight, and most find it a sign of blessing. At night it can be called the most beautiful area of Zasta.

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No New Posts Plains of War

The largest place in all of Zasta is the war plains. This is where the alphas of each clan can negotiate and discuss politics. This is where the war will occur if any break out. This land is famous and it touches each of the pack boundaries, connecting them all together. It is sacred ground, to never be disrespected. In the center of these plains lies the giant mound they call Acala. Surrounding the mound is a field the color of blood. Acala is not a mountain, merely a random mound of rock.

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No New Posts Red Meadow

A field of poppies surrounds Acala, the immmovable single mound that stands in the center of the war plain. The poppies are said to be stained red with the sins of the past, present and furture. Some believe they are stained red for the innocent lives that have been lost, or will be lost. Whichever belief you choose, the Red Meadow is a morbid and joyless place, mainly because it reminds anyone of death and destruction. You must cross it to get to the path that will lead you to the Citadel though. If you wish to enter.
Disclaimer: Idea from the book The Sight.

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No New Posts Stepping Stone Path

A long path that spirals up and down the mound of rock leading to the citadel. It was believed to be hand carved by humans, but has eroded into a dangerous craggy path. Only wolves with a keen sense of balance and a passion to reach the top should ever dare attempt to climb the steps. One slip could result in falling to your death, it has happened in the past and will probably happen again. It is a long journey, though not as long as climbing a mountain.

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No New Posts The Citadel

When you reach the top of Acala, the mound flattens out resembling the plains itself. The field before the Citadel is grassy, though nothing lives up there. The Citadel is a tall ancient building, abandoned by the humans and rediscovered by the original four wolves. It is of a historical church design, though the wolves are unaware of what a church is. It holds good memories and bad memories. One thing to remember is it is the most sacred place in all of Zasta. Wolves believe it is the place of redemption and the place in which the old legends speak of. Reaching the top, let alone walking inside, is a conclusion that is seeked by many wolves.

Moderator: Puck

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